Institut für Technische Informatik, TU Wien

Treitlstraße 1-3
1040 Wien

Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmid
Telefon: 01/58801-18250

Beschreibung der Themenbereiche bzw. Arbeitsfelder

The Institute of Computer Engineering's research and teaching activities focus on the area of cyber-physical systems and dependable embedded systems. Our activities are at the heart of the primary research area Technische Informatik (Computer Engineering) of the Faculty of Informatics, and integrate computer science, discrete and continuous systems theory, and microelectronics in a holistic approach. Major research areas are hybrid systems, real-time systems, fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, and dependable digital circuit architectures. Particular research activities range from formal/mathematical modeling and analysis over SW/HW architectures to microcontroller programming and FPGA/VLSI design.

Links und Materialien

Ausmaß und Art der Unterstützung, die geboten werden kann

Von "Schnuppertagen" bis zu persönlicher Beratung für besonders interessierte Schüler/innen (limitierte Kapazität).

cyber-physical systems, dependable embedded systems, fault-tolerance, real-time computing, hybrid systems, model-predictive control


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